Placement test
1. Is this a good time to talk? Sorry, no. I.......... dinner.
2. I think cycling is more dangerous............ driving.
3. We ........... going to the theatre next Saturday.
4. ........ meet for coffee some time soon.
5. Kamal has got a holiday home near .......... sea.
6. If you’ve got a headache, you .......... go home.
7. ............. ever been to New York?
8. I only get about five hours’ sleep a night. That’s not .............. .
9. Did Amina finish the report? No. She ............... it tomorrow
10. Paula ............. loves working with children.
11. Is Ottawa the capital of Canada? I think ............... .
12. We never .............. a television when I was a child.
13. We paid the restaurant bill ................ credit card.
14. The last time I .............. Joanna was in Paris.
15. If you ............... money from a friend, you should always pay it back promptly.
16. Can I make myself a cup of coffee? Of course. You ........... to ask.
17. I ......... a lot of sport in my free time
18. .................. anywhere interesting recently?
19. It’s Walter’s birthday on Friday. He ........... be 30, I think.
20. Learning the piano isn’t as difficult ................ learning the violin.
21. If the weather ............... bad tomorrow, we can go to a museum.
22. About a billion cans of Coca-Cola ........... drunk around the world every day.
23. My mum’s not very well. Oh, ....................... .
24. Hans isn’t here. He ................ to see his grandmother. He’ll be back tomorrow.
25. Would you mind changing my appointment? .................. time on Friday is fine.
26. When I was a child, I .......... climb the wall and jump into our neighbours’ garden.
27. Have you finished ............ the wall yet?
28. Can you help me? I’ve tried ............ hotel in the city and can’t find a room.
29. Lena used to find work boring ................ she became a nurse.
30. If I .............. closer to my office, I could walk to work.
31. I ............... outside the cinema when suddenly a police car arrived.
32. Shall we go to The Riceboat for dinner? It ........... be fully booked. They’re sometimes busy on a Monday.
33. We’ve .............. come back from a trip to India. It was amazing.
34. I’ve got to be at work in five minutes. Don’t worry, I .......... you a lift if you want.
35. My doctor advised me ........... more exercise.
36. I couldn’t ........... up with the noise in the city, so we moved to the countryside.
37. There’s no name on this dictionary. It ............ be mine then. Mine’s got my name on the front.
38. Julia ........... married since she was 20.
39. Don’t worry if I ........... late tonight. I’m going to the gym after work.
40. I’ve got a terrible headache, and it won’t go away. Have you tried ............ some aspirin?
41. Boxing is a sport ............. requires a lot of speed and fitness.
42. Jon ............ working on this project for a couple of months so he hasn’t made much progress yet.
43. I was wondering ........... I could ask you some questions. Sure, go ahead.
44. What clothes should I pack for a trip to Boston? Well, it depends .................. the time of year that you go.
45. I’ve finished this salad and I’m still hungry. I .......... ordered something more filling.
46. Do you ever ask your neighbours to do favours ............. you?
47. Some married couples seem to get more .................. over time.
48. I don’t know how much this card costs. The price label’s ................ off.
49. Ben got the job because he ........... a very good impression at his interview.
50. Salsa music always ................ me of my trip to Cuba.
51. I ...................... to be picking Tom up at the station but I’ve lost my keys.
52. How about going to Colours nightclub? There’s no ............... I’m going there. It’s awful!
53. By the age of 18, I .................... not to go to university.
54. I’m afraid your car .................. repaired before next week.
55. The amount of organically grown food on sale has ........... enormously in recent years.
56. Can you believe it? A woman has been ............... for hacking into the computer of her online virtual husband.
57. You may borrow my laptop ........... you promise to look after it.
58. It’s a huge painting. It .............. taken ages to complete.
59. Pierre tends to put ............. dealing with problems, rather than dealing with them immediately
60. If the taxi hadn’t stopped for us, we ............... standing in the rain.
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